Monday, April 14, 2014


I'm going to change the web address of this blog. I'll let you know what it is before it happens.
sister stratford is super obvious, and I don't know if I'm comfortable with the people in my areas reading my letters home, hahahhaha....y'know?
 But There WILL be a!!
 I'm allowed to make a personal blog as a missionary!!! will be personal stories, insights, scriptures, etc. that I hope will uplift people and teach more about Christ and God's love. Since that's super ovcious, I can give it to others and they can see my public spiritual posts instead of my letters to friends and family.
 I'm actually super excited about it and have several posts already in my head.
 So keep a tab on this URL. my letters will be somewhere else, but this one will still be running and will hopefully still be awesome!
 Thank you all for the letters and support....I really do appreciate it, and I really do love you all. I miss home, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to coming home, as much as I love it here, haha. It's so good to hear from you guys, family and friends alike!!
 Love you all!
 -Sister Stratford

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