Monday, February 23, 2015

By the way

Some news

So about an hour ago this happened

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Things never stopped being weird, so I guess it's normal now? XD I don't know. It's starting to get hot again already. Man. 

 It was a really short week. There's never enough time to see everyone, our area is just so big! But it's fun. 

 We haven't been able to see Donny in a long while, he bounces between his Mom's house over there and his friend's house here, and he really doesn't want misisonaries coming to his mom's house. But he's still as excited as ever to be baptized! He looooves the Book of Mormon and really relates to Nephi. And he's been working hard to make changes in his life, just by what he's learning and what he's feeling from the Spirit. It's always really weird (but way awesome!) when the people we teach just naturally start living the commandments without us having to teach them. It's real obvious when they're really trying to listen to what God wants from them. 

 Also, we got a new investigator named Burt. His son just got back from his mission and immediately talked to him about meeting with missionaries, and introduced him to us. Which is kinda intimidating, when I think of being entrusted with someone's father, and the fact that this was like the first thing he did when he got home, he's probably been thinking about this and looking forward to it his whole mission. But it's been way awesome, because Burt bikes all the way to the church to have a lesson with us (He doesn't feel like it's a good spiritual environment at his home) and even though he can't read very well, he's been working sooo haaard at reading the Book of Mormon, and it's crazy. The level of committment people have when they really want to know for themselves if something is true....I bet it must just be the greatest feeling for God to answer those prayers, when they want to know so badly. 

 Nessie, the woman who walked into church and told us she wanted to be baptized, has basically quit smoking cold turkey. "I was sick of it, anyway," she said, "all I needed was a reason and a little help. I'm good now." Haha! She's been really keeping herself busy to keep from smoking, too. She walked to the church like 3 hours early just for something to do, and sat outside to read the scriptures. She's so much fun, hahaha!

 Also, I received word from Laveen that Merry gave a talk yesterday in Sacrament meeting about raising kids in a Gospel-centered home!!! I wish I could've been there, I'm soooooo excited for her!! Man, I miss so many people here so much. I get so happy to hear that they're doing good!

 Before I close, quick funny story to share: So the elders text out a scripture to their struggling investigators every now and then. The one they chose was John 14:18, "I will not leave you comfortless." They sent one to Bishop by accident. It said, "Check it out! God loves you! John 4:18."

 Bishop was like, "Oh, cool, a spiritual thought from the elders!!" So he pulls out his Bible and reads, "Thou hast five husbands." And is just super confused why they sent that to him.

 I love you all!! Thank you for the letters and the prayers!! I love being a missionary and I love seeing Christ change lives!! You should serve a mission!! :)

 God bless!!

 -Sister Stratford

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Monday, February 16, 2015

Presidents' Day!

So this'll be kinda short cuz the libraries are closed and I'm on an
iPad and typing is slooppoppow and clumsy....but, it's been a really
good fun week!! It's been a bit of a blur, sooooo many people to go by
and help.

My companion and I have really been trying to refocus on making sure
the Spirit is involved in everything, and it's made a difference.
We've been receiving a ton of promptings from God, and we've just
gotten a lot more effective. God really is at the head of His work,
and He does kno His children and what they need. He loves them and
wants to help. So when you listen to Him, He tells you what they need
and how to help them. I knew that principle before, but some things
you relearn several times, haha. It's a true thing, though. It's so
true, and it's a crazy thing to experience.

We had so many really good lessons this week. One woman we taught,
she was mainly curious because her son married a Latter-day Saint. She
was impressed by her daughter in law and her family, but mainly, she
wanted to know what to do and what not to do, since we basically have
our own culture, haha. But as we testified of what we knew to be true,
and about the Restoration, the Spirit was so strong. We invited her to
be baptized, and her reaction was basically, "well, that's a silly
question, of course I'll be baptized if I ask God and He tells me it's
true. Why wouldn't i? " that was really cool., writing it just doesn't do it justice. XD

I don't know if I named her, but Nami is the teenager we taught to
pray for the first time? She's been sooooo fuuuuuuuun!! Haha. She
really loves church and invited her cousin ("it's okay, three hours
goes fast. You'll see!"), she went to the Valentine's Day dance and
loooooved it, and she loves to pray now!! It's cool whenever we ask
her, she has cool stories about God helping her in a test, or in a
heated situation with a friend, or whatever. She's very excited about
girls camp. Man, we're just so excited for her to be a missionary,
haha. She's just so great!

Also, exciting news, I finished my study journal!! Cover to cover,
it's filled with so much stuff that I'm learning and guidance I've
gotten from the Spirit. There's something exciting about finishing a
journal and starting a new one. The new one is beautiful, too <3

Happy Valentines day, and happy Presidents' Day! Also, it's George
Washington's Birthday, so happy birthday to him as well!

Thanks so much for the letters and for your prayers and support! I'm
so grateful to be out here! Sorry again for the short letter, but I
love you guys and I'm grateful for all of you! :D God bless!

-Sister Stratford

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Monday, February 9, 2015


This has been the wierdest week of my mission. Just, wierd stuff happened. Even the miracles were weird!! XD The miracles are the best part, and I don't have a lot of time, so those are the things I'll write about. Hopefully I'll have sufficient time to record in my journal all the weird stuff that's been happening. XD

 Weird title for a weird week. Real quick, back in the MTC, they did a demonstration with a hardboiled egg and a bottle. They told us we had to get the egg in the bottle, and that we had to do it quickly. Off course, when we tried to shove it in the bottle, it just made a mess of things and there was yellow and white egg guts everywhere. Then the instructor lit a match in the bottle and set the egg on top, and because of physics, the egg was sucked right in with a very satisfying *thwomp!* sound. Our instructor jokingly told us to listen for that sound when we teach. Haha. Anyway, it demonstrated that conversion had to come from within whoever we're teaching, and we can't force or shove anything without making a total mess. It demonstrated the importance of the Spirit and a sincere desire to know truth. 

 So fast forward, Sister Morris and I have tried EVERYTHING to try and get our investigators to come to church. They love what we teach, they love the Book of Mormon, they read and pray every day, but they're not coming to church for some reason. We've gotten them rides and called them the night before and the morning of and they seemed excited about it and they never come, and it's been kind of discouraging for us. It's not about filling pews, mind you, a lot of them have been saying that they don't feel like they're getting their answer, and coming to church to feel the Spirit there is one way that they can be taught from on High and get their answer. We've constantly been feeling like we've done something wrong, but that fire is just not there.

 We were talking to a recently baptized member, and their friend walks by just as we were inviting them to church. So just kinda off hand, we say, "Hey, we'd love to see you there to, you can come if you'd like." And they were like, "Sure, whatever." And we never thought about it again

 Until he shows up at church that Sunday and tells us the next day that he feels like his life has been changed and he wants us to help him be baptized. *THWOMP!* Donny is so prepared!! It's seriously so cool, it's like he's been looking for this his whole life. He's so excited about church and Christ and his Father in Heaven and it's just the coolest thing. 

 But that was church last week. This, go back about two months ago, everything had fallen through, and we didn't know who we could go see. ANd we were like, "Well, we have a list of people who used to meet with missionaries but stopped, maybe we can see them." So we knock on this door, and we hear, "Who is it?!"
"It's the missionaries!! :D"
 "Oh....uh....not interested. >:/"
"Oh..okay...well, have a nice day. :c"

So yesterday, this random woman walks in the church, and goes up to the elders (they're a little more iconic than sisters) and said, "You're the missionaries? Yes, I'd like a Bible and a Book of Mormon? I was almost baptized a year ago, and I backslid, but this time I'm going all the way. Let's see, today's the 8th...can I get baptized on the 27th?" They get her address, she's in our area, and we're like, "Huh, if she's met with missionaries before, maybe we already have a teaching record for her," so we pull it up and say, "Wait a second....." 

 Some people aren't ready right now and just need a month or two. *TWHOMP!* She struggled with some changes before, but now she's determined to change her life and give it all to God, and we're so excited for her!! 

 I love working with people so much!! It's been the best blessing to see their lives change for the better and to really see how much of a miracle the Atonement of Christ is. I've known this truth before, but it didn't really hit as hard as it does as a missionary: we really are children of God. our Father wants us to be happy and will help us make those changes that will bring us happiness. Everything He does really is for us. Especially for "the one." No one is left behind or forgotten, but God really does make a lot of stuff happen to help "the one" in need. It's so cool. 

 I love you guys so much!! Thanks for the letters and the prayers, you're all the best!! <3 

 -Sister Stratford

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Monday, February 2, 2015

Prayer and the Plan of Salvation

So apparently the super bowl was yesterday....not the most productive time for a missionary, haha. And apparently it was in Phoenix? Didn't know that. It was a little crazy.

 Also, I saw fog for the first time in my mission. That was crazy, too. I forgot fog existed. :p

 It's been kinda a slower week. Hopefully that was just because of the Super Bowl and it'll pick back up this week.

 But the Lord makes up for slow weeks!!! :D It's the quality, not the quantity.

 Man I'm so very out of time, argh, but I'm going to cram in as much as possible.

 We found a less active sister who isn't really interested in coming back, but wants her grandaughters to go. At first we didn't have a lot of hope, because telling kids to do something they know you don't want to do is not very effective, especially if the adults want the missionaries to be the one to put on the pressure (*grumpy cat face "No"*), but we had two lessons with her this week, and it was seirously the COOLEST THING EVER. She believed in God, she knew He existed, but He was just kind of this vague, foggy, abstract concept that was just kinda there as truth but didn't mean anything to her personally. So when we talked about how God is her Father and she is His daughter, and He loves her, and is aware of her, it really seemed to fascinate her. She had all sorts of questions about prayer, kinda like the other high school guy we taught, "Does He hear all of them? Does He give us whatever we ask for? Does He talk back? How do we know when He does?"  We knelt down and heard her say her very first formal was the neatest thing. 

 THen her little niece and nephew, both younger than 7, started to get really excited about prayer and talking to God, too. So they each said a prayer. 

 Then they thought it was so great and had so much fun talking to God, they ran to the back of the house and dragged their dad out to pray with them! Haha. THey taught him everything we taught them about the nature of God and what prayer was, and wanted him to pray. It was so cute!!! He ended up not praying, sadly. Even though they were both saying, "We can help you, if you want! Do you want to repeat after us?" 

 ....families are the BEST. 

 There's another family we've been teaching, but I haven't written about them much. MOm's name is Tara. She's been pretty quiet during our lessons and has perferred to listen rather than speak, and her answers were very short and vague, so we were never really certain about her actual concerns or what she was really thinking or feeling. We kept coming though because she watned us to and appreciated us visiting her and teaching about God. But we started teaching the Plan of Salvation, and it all led into prayer again (because once you know who God is and what your true relationship with HIm is, as child and Father, prayer becomes natural and's all related). And as we talked about prayer and how God knows was really wierd, I was saying things I wouldn't usually say, and I was like, "man, why am I saying this? What is coming out of my mouth right now?" 

 THen before we knew it, she was in tears and opening up about all this stuff that she's been holding in, all these doubts and fears and concerns and trials she's been going through. And then as she was sharing these things, she began to make connections with what we'd been teaching, and started telling us how prayer would help her, and how reading scriptures would help her. Then she committed herself to actually doing those things. It was such a cool experience.

 ...I need to be getting off, but I love you guys and I love being a missionary!! :) Thanks for all yoru prayers and support!!

 -Sister Stratford

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